The Gardner Bait Bomb

The Gardner Bait Bomb has been around for quite a while, and yet seems to be an overlooked piece of kit that has great potential.

The Gardener Bait Bomb. The package has easy to follow instructions how to use the product and suggestions on ground bait mixtures to try.
The Gardener Bait Bomb. The package has easy to follow instructions how to use the product and suggestions on ground bait mixtures to try.

For those of you not familiar with the Bait Bomb, it is a device that allows you to form most types of ground bait into a shape to attach it to your rig, not unlike pack bait or a method feeder.
One of the best parts about the Gardner Bait Bomb is that you can use it to make the equivalent of PVA sticks…without the PVA. During testing I had no problems with tangling, which is often the reason I choose a PVA stick. I was able to achieve the same casting distances that I can with a PVA stick once I got the ground bait consistency correct. The price is also of course less than PVA which is nice when you are attaching a stick every cast.
Gardner recommends using the Bait Bomb as an alternative to a method feeder by slipping the bait down over your lead. For this review I was using the small size (mini) bomb maker and found that this was not practical for most of the leads I was using. However if you are using small in-line leads or the bigger size bomb maker, this would be a good option.
Unlike pack bait which requires a fairly precise combination of ingredients to achieve a useable mixture, the Bait Bomb can use a wide variety of both commercial and homemade ground baits effectively. For this review I used three different ground baits, Dynamite Baits Swimstim Feeder Formula method mix, Dynamite Baits Fish Gutz Method Mix, and liquidized bread.

Some of the ingredients I used during testing.

For mixing up the commercial ground bait I added and mixed the dry mix and particles first. I added my flavor of choice to lake water to ensure an even distribution of flavor. I then added the flavor-water mix very slowly to the dry mix to achieve a stiff, yet still sticky, mixture. After this it was ready to fish.

The right consistency is important when mixing the bait!
The right consistency is important when mixing the bait!

For the liquidized bread I simply used bread that I ground in a food processor for 1min. You can add sugar and/or flour for added casting strength or break time, but I found that breakdown times were a bit too long with the bread I was using. In fact I had fish eat the entire bomb before the hook could be released!

Using the Bait Bomb is very simple. Simply remove the plunger, fill the tube with your bait, compress with the plunger, and push out your Bait Bomb.
Using the Bait Bomb is very simple. Simply remove the plunger, fill the tube with your bait, compress with the plunger, and push out your Bait Bomb
 The compressed bait pushed out the end of the Bait Bomb, and the finished product. Note the slot for the line and the depression for the bait.
The compressed bait pushed out the end of the Bait Bomb, and the finished product. Note the slot for the line and the depression for the bait.

One nice thing about this product is that you can make baits both at home and on the bank. If you want to make baits up ahead of time, simply make them the same way as on the bank but with sugar added to the mix (approximately 1tbs/8oz bait)., and pop them in the microwave for 2mins. Once they have been “cooked” they will be soft until they cool and the sugar hardens. After they are cool, put them in an air tight container. They stay fresh for quite some time.

The finished Bait Bomb with a snowman boillie hook bait. Note the similar appearance to pack bait.
The finished Bait Bomb with a snowman boilie hook bait. Note the similar appearance to pack bait.

Sixteen ounces of bread equals 16 - one ounce baits.
Sixteen ounces of bread equals 16 - one ounce baits.

When using a Bait Bomb I found that how you attached it depended on where it was made. If you are attaching microwaved bait, simply slide the line into the slot and put the hook bait into the depression. Digging the line in to the side of the bomb helped to hold it in place. For bombs made on the bank, after you form the bait and attach it to your line it is best to pack the bait as you would with pack bait. This keeps it on better during the cast and is much easier to do then form pack bait “free hand”.
The Gardner Bait Bomb creates a bait that can be used more like a method ball or a pack bait.


The Gardner Bait Bomb is definitely a worthwhile investment for any carp angler. It performs well with wide variety of ground baits, and is a great addition to PVA sticks and method feeders.
Ease of use: Simplicity it’s self
Price: A bargain
Effectiveness: As reliable as a PVA stick if used correctly
Other considerations: Ground baits need to be mixed correctly to be retained during harder casts
The Gardner Bait Bomb is available from Big Carp Tackle.


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