(Carp) Fishing with Kids (part 4 - rods)

I remember the first time I went surf fishing and tried to cast a surf rod. The results were far from impressive and fell short of my casting distance with a bass rod. I was around 5-6 years old at the time. Obviously this made a big impression on me, since then, as now, I really enjoy casting. The very clear lesson I have taken away is this: the rod needs to not overpower the caster. Now when I was six I had not had time to practice with the larger rods, so with some time I might have been able to cast farther than I did.
If money was not a factor, I would by my son a set of 6ft Century T1 Stealths, but sadly it is so I will be on the lookout for something not quite as fancy! I am looking for a rod with a very slow action that will fight fish well as this will be the most important part of the fishing since casting ability is not entering into it at this point. When I find the perfect rod I will let everyone know.

Maybe a bit overkill for a kids rod?


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